Return Policy

The refund and return policy has been designed to give you the opportunity to return an item that you decided are not right for you. Once you have received your item and you decide to return it, you can do so using a shipping method of your choice. Because we have already paid for the shipping cost, we are unable to refund you the shipping cost.

Any item returned must not have any signs of wear or damage when received at the warehouse. Wheels must still be in their original condition (brand new) as when it was shipped off to you. Decks cannot have any sign of having had any hardware added or holes drilled to them. Complete boards should still be in their original condition. Refunds will only be considered after inspection at the warehouse. Then only will your invoice amount, minus the shipping cost, be refunded to you if the above criteria are all met.

Please note, this return policy is only valid for the first 7 days from the delivery date.

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Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

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