Gunslinger Trucks Review
Hanger width: 180mm
Baseplate angle: 45 degrees
Roadside bushing: 90a cone, Gunslinger
Broadside bushing: 90a barrel, Gunslinger
Axle diameter: 8mm
Axle material: SCM435
Hanger and base plate material: A356 Aluminum Alloy
First Impressions:
When you first lay eyes on these trucks they look bulky and heavy but if you compare them to other trucks the weight is actually on par. The polished mirror finish and the sheriff’s badge pressed into the bottom of the baseplate is a nice touch. The ends of the hangers are faced which is necessary to prevent damage to the bearings but the finish there could have been neater. The trucks are supplied with thick cup washers on the bushings which is great since washers like that aren’t always easy to find.

Closer inspection:
The hanger is nice and thick at the hole where the kingpin goes through so it won’t bend there. The hole is oval shaped but not too big so the hanger would only clash with the the kingpin if you plan on turning really hard on really soft bushings. The bushing seat is not exactly designed to restrict slop so if you’re that fussy, don’t get these. The pivot “nipple” fits tightly into the pivot cup which is good for a precise turn. There is a seam from the casting mould visible near the nipple which has been machined smooth by hand so it may be different from one set to the next. The unevenness of this seam may damage the pivot cup over time but there was no noticeable damage when I was done with them.

The ride:
The 90a bushings were a little too soft for my liking so I changed to 93a barrel boardside and 90a barrel roadside. The rake that these trucks have makes them feel nice and responsive without feeling unstable. I didn’t take them to any extreme speeds but it did feel like they would handle fine. With the raked geometry you have the option to flip the hanger for a more stable, less responsive ride if you have a fear for the wobbles. I had no problem busting some stand up slides on these trucks and they handle just fine when railing a corner.
The new Gunslinger Longboard trucks are great trucks for the price. Most cast trucks go for around R800 these days but the Gunslingers are only R450 making them super affordable. You get what you pay for though so don’t expect these to out perform the precision trucks your friend dropped R3000 on. All in all, these trucks are perfect for their intended purpose which is entry level downhill and beachfront cruising.