Heaven and Hell Pushlaw Recap
Written by: Stuart Barnard
Photos by: Stuart Barnard
With the skate scene growing at such a rapid rate within Cape Town, my personal aim is to host far more smaller, intimate, events where locals can socialise and get to know some of the faces within their scene. These are unofficial and more commonly known as ‘outlaws’.
This ‘pushlaw’ race was held on the foothills of Table Mountain, winding and weaving its way through the leafy forest-fairy-besotted Newlands.
The course wasn’t too long, but posed a challenge in it’s heavenly intricacy and hellish uphills. The course began in a side-road just off a butter-smoothly tarred cycle/runners path (and I’m talking Lurpak-quality here). This fun, albeit slightly treacherous, path served to thin out the riders as they tackled the first sections weaving between crops of pine, dog-shit and milf-runners. If you think you missed out of the sick prizes, well you missed out even more at the scenery (and I’m not talking plants here).
The cycle path ends and it’s a straight-bomb down to the main road and back-tracking along a cycle path with ‘hellish’ tar (in comparison to what the riders had just caressed with their feet).
Two rounds of this course served tough enough for the crop of enthusiasts that pitched. Round two was greeted with juice, fizzers and another few treats to keep the riders going. These surprise-treats were met with “joooooooorrrrrrrrrrr’s, ‘fooooking-seeeeeeeek’ and breathlessness.
On the last few leg-strokes Dylan Hoffman came out on top, with Kyle Prins following closely behind and Gamza Hoosain taking third. A bunch of groms were spectators and encouraged the bigger groms onward and stokeward.
It was immensely fun. It’s just a pity that more riders didn’t make the effort to come out and support the real pillars of the local scene; the smaller get-togethers where all groups of skaters are encouraged to blend, rather than everyone skating their own, same, spots the entire season. Let’s hope the next H&H sees more riders tackle a course that has more to offer than you’d expect.