Llandslide 2018 – Event recap
Llandslide 2018
Every year the city of Cape Town closes its roads to make way for a large group of wanna-be Lance Armstrongs from all over South Africa. These road closures allow for the rest of Cape Town’s wanna-be Kevin Reimers to descend down Llandudnos curves full blast without having to worry about cars.

This year’s Llandslide was no different from previous years, It was hot, stoke levels were high and skin was lost.
This year’s turn out was smaller than expected but the stoke was at an all-time high.
Boardhub did a fantastic job at organizing a really interesting race that involved a board swap, wheel changes, Redbull, and some art, oh and everyone walked away with a fresh pair of Globe socks. Thank you boardhub!

Some Skaters really stood out, Giloume drove all the way from Mossel Bay and was shredding hard, Blue was killing it along with super grom Sean Grobbelar.A special thanks go to Yoshi and the baboon van who spent the majority of the day driving up and down shuttling the skaters. Ps: some groms need to learn how to skitch responsibly – The baboon van claimed at least 3 boards that day.
Words: Joey Olden
Photos: Ash Trtton